Management Skills (2024)


Management skills in the healthcare setting are composed of sets of competencies essential for healthcare professionals who effectively and efficiently manage a variety of medical, nursing, or public health resources to attain goals that ideally align with improving the overall health of the population and healthcare system.

In this activity, healthcare professionals who manage at any level of the health systems serve as healthcare managers, encompassing a wide range of specialties, including physicians (clinicians, surgeons, public health physicians, and other specialists), nurses, laboratory professionals, public health managers, dentists, among other healthcare professions.

As expressed in references both for theoretical and practical guidance documents, management skills are often separated from leadership skills as these two sets of skills were known to be generally different.[1] However, this activity does not constrain itself to the (theoretical) management skills per se. It is because effective and efficient healthcare managers require elements of leadership skills to fulfill managerial roles and responsibilities at the best possible level.The necessary skills of healthcare managers involve planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation skills. Planning refers to the preparation of the steps and protocols needed to achieve an ultimate end goal and the proper allocation of anticipated resources (including human resources) to the objectives and goals of the healthcare organization. Development of a plan can refer to action plans addressing small-scale activities for individual staff as well as operational and strategic plans for small groups (i.e., sections, units, departments) or organization-wide level. A pre-requisite to a well-developed plan with SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound) objectives is that the healthcare manager must be able to perform proper scanning and focusing skills, which are actually “leadership practices.” Scanning refers to knowing one’s self and environment together with the opportunities, threats, and risks to one’s staff and the organization as a whole while focusing refers to concentrating each staff member's work in the healthcare organization relative to its vision and mission statements. Organizing is the ability to bring together the systems, processes, and procedures with the designated staff in an organization so that the right people will be able to do the proper work for the right purpose. Implementing skills, on the other hand, is focused on the performance of the assigned work based on planned activities. As a healthcare manager, one must know how to harmonize workflow within all concerned staff, ensuring that the individual and overall plans get implemented effectively. The leadership practices essential in organizing and implementing (management) skills include aligning and mobilizing the staff. While management skills are focused on the use of organizational resources as mentioned, the goal of leadership skills centers on the mobilization of the members of the organization. For instance, a healthcare manager organizing human resource with the actual operations will not be complete and will not properly work in its implementation phase if some of the staff lack the motivation, which could be caused by the loss of teamwork. Or, in other circ*mstance, some staff may have unclear roles and responsibilities, resulting in their confusion at work and eventually low performance and productivity. Aligning and mobilizing is making all staff, including healthcare managers, share a common vision and commitment for the healthcare organization. Lastly, monitoring and evaluating skills must be part of the practice of healthcare managers on whatever type of healthcare organization. Monitoring skills mean the ability to check the progress of the organization in terms of achieving its plans while evaluating skills means that a healthcare manager can assess the attainment of desired results (output) after the whole process is carried out. In simpler terms, monitoring occurs “during” while evaluation is done “after” the implementation of an organizational project or program. Furthermore, these combined skills of monitoring and evaluation (often termed as M&E) involve the provision of feedback that will further improve plans and implementation. However, feedback must not be limited to the management systems and processes. It should also include feedback from staff, as to whether their commitment is sustainable, and they are still motivated to perform the work; this is where the leadership practice of inspiring the team applies. A good healthcare manager can provide trust and confidence to staff and can appreciate staff efforts. The inspiration of staff can manifest by providing supportive supervision to all members of the organization.In practicing these healthcare management skills, it is evident that leadership skills are equally vital. Healthcare organizations should not develop professionals who can only manage or who are leaders alone – because such a man will be unsuccessful. The development and enhancement of management skills can come from a variety of learning strategies and actual experiences.[2]Healthcare management, as a specific profession, stresses its value and importance apart from the clinical aspects performed on the bedside. It is important to note that management skills applied in the fields of medicine and public health do not only intend to provide better health services but also to optimize the health status of the patients and the community at large.

Issues of Concern

In recent years, some issues on management (and leadership) skills, particularly in the healthcare setting, begin to arise. The emergence of these issues highlights the need for improvement of healthcare management:

Association between management skills and the efficiency of hospitals - The study looked at nurses and obstetrician’s managers.[3]Another study found out that improving management skills can further enhance the quality of health services.[4]

Education and training needs for healthcare management as basic preconditions for the development and implementation of adequate programs - Researchers performed a needsassessment in this research, which served as a basis for developing solutions in meeting the gap between healthcare managers and the competencies that they need.[5]In another study, it revealed that while there is a high demand for leadership roles for physicians, medical education is still lacking with appropriate management skills for training future medical doctors.[6] Communication and critical thinking skills in addition to other relational and organizations skills for healthcare management, were seen as essential competencies for development.[7][8] Physicians are expected to be pivotal leaders, especially during transitional periods in the healthcare system. In the last decade, there has been an increasing emphasis placed on targeting potential areas to improve the various facets of medical training. Training in management skills, leadership, and practice management modalities have been gaining increasing traction in the literature.[8][9]Regardless of the approach, the current curriculum must be revisited and improved to address this issue according to the type of approach provided by medical schools (either traditional, system-based, or hybrid curriculum).

Training of practicing managers beyond clinical skills - For middle managers, additional skills for managing subordinates and coordinating with top-level managers is necessary, which includes capabilities such as communication skills (not with patients but with colleagues and other stakeholders), self-awareness, change management, conflict resolution, and other leadership skills.[10] For frontline managers, a study revealed that they experience challenges in terms of integrating different professions as required by the health services they provide. Clarity on the roles and responsibilities of existing and new professionals working in healthcare is necessary.

Collaborative interprofessional practice - Due to the reforms in transformational education and significant changes in health systems, there is a need to develop interprofessional education to cultivate the value of teamwork despite differences across health professions.[11]In the past, the physicians alone were believed to fulfill leadership positions in healthcare because of their an interprofessional knowledge and clinical skills in terms of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. But as the health system evolves within countries, states, and communities, the need for other health professionals in performing leadership and management work has been observed. In one of the low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) where the number of physicians is not adequate, an issue has been raised regarding the filling up of leadership positions for the ministry (department) of health offices where the basic qualifications contain a medical degree. Other competent professionals who are not physicians feel that such opportunities become limited from them and could be a factor for slow improvement in health systems implementation. While this needs further investigation, it can be addressed appropriately depending on the context of the health system concerned. Interprofessional healthcare management can resolve the issue of superiority and inferiority among healthcare professions – medicine, nursing, allied health including laboratory and pharmacy, among others. Furthermore, it reinforces humility and teamwork while acknowledging the importance of each profession for the improvement of health. In the hospitals, where clinicians and medical specialists work together, options for treatment and management of patients come in a team-based fashion wherein different medical specialists give their expert opinions to the case and will not merely depend on the decision of the attending physicians as in the past. As the healthcare system continues to evolve, increasing emphasis should focus on cultivating physician, and hospital alignment strategies as mutually beneficial collaborative efforts are at least a significant component of delivering high-quality health care while keeping costs and resource utilization sustainable for the future of the healthcare system.[12]

The leadership of self as key to leading others - This paper discusses the course for public health leadership where participants are expected to develop their plans for nurturing their leadership skills.[13]If a healthcare manager knows how to lead himself, it then becomes easier for him to familiarize and knowing more both the members and the organization well.

Healthcare management as a profession -This is a field of health service delivery where formal and informal learning opportunities become available across countries. There have been academic degrees which make it a distinct profession.[14] In other countries, training for healthcare management become available. Moreover, in other technical areas of expertise, healthcare management practices and principles have been incorporated into the training curriculum to address the needs of specific healthcare managers at work. Meanwhile, though a formal education makes learning systematic, students and trainees must be able to gain practical experiences in the fieldso thatacademic concepts will be fully realized and applied in the actual healthcare setting.

Clinical Significance

The practice of management skills applied in the healthcare setting indirectly affects the patients. When healthcare managers manage the teams of the organization well, positive work culture (and work climate) become reinforced. In turn, the motivated staff at all levels of the organization increase their work performance as reflected through the optimal clinical (or health) services they provide to their patients. Therefore, the belief is that well-managed staff can lead to well-managed patients. Hence, sound management (and leadership) skills can impact positively on patients’ health outcomes.

The evolving healthcare system has been indicating that there is an increasing requirement for cultivated interprofessional relationships spanning across all health professions and subspecialties. Physician-Hospital alignment strategies have been receiving increasing levels of attention in the literature given the already identified critical nature of optimizing these relationships.[12] Despite their often tumultuous histories, physicians and hospitals collectively are recognizing more and more the driving forces leading toward common goals. While each situation is inherently different, and each path toward idealized alignment is fraught with inevitable barriers and conflicts, it is essential for each party to identify and highlight the underlying principles that drive each other toward the process of achieving high-quality care at a reasonable cost.[15]



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Disclosure: Marlon Bayot declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Matthew Varacallo declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Management Skills (2024)


How do you answer a question about management skills? ›

Demonstrate a range of skills, including listening, communication and problem solving. Use the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method to frame your example to make sure you deliver a comprehensive answer. Don't just describe the problem.

What is your management style's best answer? ›

"I see the employees in my department as my team and treat them as such. My democratic management style involves collaborating closely with team members to develop strategies and make decisions. I constantly work to ensure my employees know their ideas and voices are heard by working on projects we all agree on.

Can you describe your management skills? ›

Management skills are abilities and traits needed to perform certain duties, usually as it pertains to overseeing a team, such as solving problems, communicating well, and motivating employees. Such skills can be learned through practical experience or in courses and then honed on the job.

What are the four 4 key management skills that is important for you to have? ›

Originally identified by Henri Fayol as five elements, there are now four commonly accepted functions of management that encompass these necessary skills: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

What is management skills in simple words? ›

Management skills are a collection of abilities that include things such as business planning, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, delegation, and time management.

What is management short answers? ›

Management can be defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is required for achieving the goals of an organisation in an efficient and effective manner. Process implies the functions of the management. That is, planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

What is the management answer in one sentence? ›

Solution. Management is a set of principles which relate to the various functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, controlling etc. which are helpful in achieving organizational goals.

What is the 4 basic management style? ›

Effective management and leadership center around influencing, motivating, and directing people to work together to achieve common goals. The four leadership styles managers use are autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and paternalistic, and each will be most effective depending on particular situations.

What makes you a great manager answer? ›

“Management style is so hard to put your finger on, but I think in general a good manager gives clear directions and actually stays pretty hands-off, but is ready and available to jump in to offer guidance, expertise, and help when needed. I try my best to make that my management style.”

What are the three main managerial skills? ›

Managerial skills fall into three basic categories: technical, human relations, and conceptual skills. The degree to which each type of skill is used depends upon the level of the manager's position as seen in (Figure).

What management style suits you best? ›

If you're outgoing and charismatic, you might like the transformational or coaching management style. If you're more extroverted and open to creativity, you might like the laissez-faire or democratic approach. If you're more of a "my-way" kind of person, maybe transactional or autocratic will work best.

What are your three weaknesses? ›

12 Best Weaknesses to Share With an Interviewer. I have difficulty working with others. I can be disorganized. I have trouble delegating work.

What is the best management skill? ›

7 skills for a successful management career
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Communication and motivation.
  • Organisation and delegation.
  • Forward planning and strategic thinking.
  • Problem solving and decision-making.
  • Commercial awareness.
  • Mentoring.
  • How do I develop leadership and management skills?

What is a key managerial skill? ›

Management skills are abilities and competencies that help managers perform their basic functions - planning, organizing, and leading. These skills are not necessarily innate personality traits – they're developed and learnt through experience in the process of managerial work.

What skills do new managers need? ›

New managers need targeted training in core areas like communication, conflict resolution, time management, project management, change management, performance management, stress management, and leadership development. These skills are crucial for effectively leading and developing a team.

How do you talk about management experience in an interview? ›

Be ready to tell stories
  1. A time when you influenced and encouraged others—and what was your approach.
  2. A situation where you and a team were successful and what your contribution was.
  3. A time when your problem-solving and/or delegating skills directly impacted others.

How do you answer leadership and management questions? ›

Tips for answering leadership interview questions
  • Situation: Start by establishing the situation and sharing any important details.
  • Task: Recount your specific task or responsibility.
  • Action: Describe, step by step, what you did to address the task or responsibility.
  • Result: End with the impact of your actions.
Apr 5, 2024

How do you answer performance management questions? ›

  1. 1 Understand the purpose. The first step to answering interview questions about performance management is to understand the purpose behind them. ...
  2. 2 Use the STAR method. ...
  3. 3 Highlight your strengths. ...
  4. 4 Address your challenges. ...
  5. 5 Ask relevant questions. ...
  6. 6 Here's what else to consider.
Dec 8, 2023

How do you answer the question what are your skills? ›

Write a short summary of those skills and accomplishments. It should say how your qualifications fit the job you're applying for, but not in great detail. Give solid examples of how you've used your skills and experience to succeed in other situations.

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