Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (2024)

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (1)

Bannocks are well-known across Scotland, but it’s hard to find a traditional bannocks recipe because everyone has their own version!

The name Bannockseems to originate from the Old Celtic English“bannuc”, derived from the Latin“panicium” for “bread” or meaning “anything baked”. Made simply from oatmeal and flour, the first citing of a bannock or bannuc recipe in Scotland was in the 8th Century. It’s amazing this tasty bread is still baked today!

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Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (2)

The Traditional Bannock is made of basic ingredients, and the recipe is simple, which is probably why they’ve been a part of life in Scotland throughout the ages. Such a part that Robert Burns mentions them in his song/poem ‘Bannocks O’ Bear Meal’, referencing the Jacobite uprising.

Bannocks O’ bear meal,

Bannocks O’ barley,

Here’s to the Highlandman’s bannocks o’ barley.

Wha, in a brulzie, will first cry a parley? Never the lads wi’ the bannocks o’ barley.

Bannocks O’ bear meal,

Bannocks O’ barley,

Here’s to the Highlandman’s bannocks o’ barley.

Wha, in his wae days, were loyal to Charlie?

Wha but the lads wi’ the bannocks o’ barley!

Bannocks O’ bear meal,

Bannocks O’ barley,

Here’s to the Highlandman’s bannocks o’ barley.

Robert Burns 1794 – Bannocks O Bear Meal

This nod to Bannocks by Burns himself may also be why they feature in the acclaimed TV show Outlander, definitely worth a watch or a read if you ask us!

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (3)

What is a Bannock?

But what are they? Bannocks are a scone-like bread that’s both heavy and flat with a not surprisingly oaty or barley wholesome taste that suits most savoury dishes. They’re the perfect side to any meal you might have bread with and you’ll find them often served warm with breakfast or with a bowl of Cullen Skink. They both warm the soul and the body while filling you up nicely.

Traditionally, Scottish Bannocks recipes call for the bread to be made on a stone in front of the fire, a “bannock stane”, modern Bannocks recipes use a cast-iron Skillet, girdle or griddle. Don’t worry though, a deep frying pan will do too, or failing that, you can bake them in the oven.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (4)

This Bannock recipe should not be confused with its younger cousin, the Selkirk Bannock. Despite having the same name, this version of a Bannock is a flavoursome fruit bun that is about as far removed from a traditional Bannock as possible.

The Selkirk Bannock has been made in Scotland for hundreds of years, and this classic is well worth your time. It is delicious!

Things you’ll need

  • A flat Griddle or cast iron Skillet is traditional, we used this one. You can also use a frying pan or even bake in the oven
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Teaspoon
  • Wooden Spoon
  • Scales – We used this digital one
Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (5)


This recipe will give you two rounds, so 8 bannocks in total. You can halve the recipe if you wish!

  • 330g Oatmeal (2 5/8 Cups) – We mean ground oats
  • 265g Plain flour (2 1/8 Cups
  • 2 tsp Baking soda
  • 1.5 tsp Salt
  • 1.5 Cups Buttermilk (375ml)

How to make Buttermilk

Not everyone has buttermilk available to them so we found a way of making your own and it’s really simple! All you need to do is stir lemon juice into full-fat milk and then leave it to settle.

For every 1 cup of milk (250ml) you need to add 2 tbsps of lemon juice, we juiced our own lemon but you can use pre squeezed juice.

Make sure it’s well mixed.

Leave it to settle for 30 minutes and it will thicken and curdle slightly, and viola, you have buttermilk!

Your buttermilk will keep for 3 days in the fridge so it can be made in advance if required.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (6)

How to make Bannocks – Step by Step guide

If you’re making your own buttermilk start that now. While your milk sits for 30 minutes you’ll have time to make a cup of tea!

Make sure your skillet or griddle is in good condition and nicely pre-seasoned to avoid your bannock sticking. You can find some excellent tips for looking after your cast iron cookware here.

Mix the oatmeal and flour together in your bowl and add salt.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (7)
Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (8)

Turn the heat on low to start heating your griddle/skillet. We found that a slow consistent heat is better than heating it on a high burn then turning it down, it allows for a nice even cook.

Measure out your buttermilk, if you’ve made more than required, and add the baking soda to the milk. The buttermilk will bubble and increase in size slightly, don’t worry this is your raising agent and it’s quite normal!

Add your milk mixture to your bowl with the flour, salt and oatmeal bringing it together with a spoon to form a dough. We started with one cup of milk and then slowly added the rest because it can get sticky and wet, so don’t feel you have to use it all. If your mix does get too wet just keep adding a little flour at a time until you have a workable dough.

Take your mix out of the bowl and place it on a floured surface. Split the dough into two. Manipulate the dough into a flat circle about one inch in thickness and the right diameter to suit your griddle, skillet or frying pan.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (9)

It may need a little gentle kneading and adding a bit of flour at this stage to create a less sticky mix but be careful not to handle the mixture too much to avoid taking any air the baking soda has added from it.

Indent your dough to provide 4 quarters then gently add the dough to your griddle/skillet making sure the heat is focused in the centre of the pan.

If you’re baking your bannock in an oven we suggest you bake at 180C for 20 minutes, turning halfway through.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (10)

You should only have to turn your bannock once, leaving it longer on the first side to do the majority of cooking then turning it over to lightly brown the top. Don’t be afraid to give it a shuggle while cooking to make sure it’s not stuck to the bottom, but allow it to cook a little first.

You bannock should rise a little from maybe 3/4 of an inch to an inch raw to 1.5-2 inches once fully cooked. If your bannock is too thick you may need to turn cook for a bit longer on the second side to ensure the middle is cooked, this will depend on your griddle/skillet size.

Remove and cook the other round.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (11)


This post sticks to a traditional Bannocks recipe and they’ll have a very traditional taste. However, to make your own bannock recipe you can add any ingredients you like.

Why not think about adding some cooked bacon pieces or some seeds? A cheese topping will work well or adding some chilli and cardamon to the mix.

So your bannocks recipe is only limited by your imagination as well as what’s in your cupboard of course!


Phil & Sonja

Yield: 8 servings

Scottish Bannocks Recipe

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (12)

This is a traditional Scottish Bannocks Recipe, or Scottish Skillet Bread. These were traditionally made with barley or oatmeal, so we have used oatmeal in this recipe. You can change it up with added ingredients like bacon bits, chilli, herbs, or cheese if you wish!

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 25 minutes

Total Time 40 minutes


  • 330g Oatmeal (2 5/8 Cups) - We mean ground oats
  • 265g Plain flour (2 1/8 Cups)
  • 2 tsp Baking soda
  • 1.5 tsp Salt
  • 1.5 Cups Buttermilk (375ml)


How to make Bannocks – Step by Step guide

  1. If you’re making your own buttermilk do that first (see notes).
  2. Mix your oatmeal, salt and flour together in your bowl.
  3. Measure our your buttermilk, if you've made extra, and add the baking soda.
  4. Add your buttermilk mixture slowly to the oatmeal and flour mix, you may not need it all so add around a cup then use a spoon to bring it together before continuing with the rest if necessary.
  5. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and split into two.
  6. Manipulate the dough into a flat circles the right size to suit your griddle, skillet or frying pan. Be careful not to handle the mixture too much at this stage to avoid taking any air the baking soda has added from it.
  7. Heat your griddle/skillet with a little oil. If you're baking your bannock in an oven we suggest you bake at 180C for 20 minutes, turning halfway through.
  8. Indent your dough slightly to provide 4 sections, like you would a pizza.
  9. Once it's hot add the dough to your griddle/skillet.
  10. You should only have to turn your bannock once, leave it to brown on the underside but don’t be afraid to give it a shuggle to make sure it’s not stuck to the surface of the pan.
  11. Once you’re sure it’s cooked turn the bannock over to lightly brown the other side. You should be able to tap it and hear a hollow sound.
  12. If your bannock is too thick you may need to cook for longer on the second side but this will depend on your griddle/skillet size.


If you don't have buttermilk it's possible to make your own. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice per cup of milk, cover and allow to sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 187Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 2mgSodium: 841mgCarbohydrates: 36gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 7g

The nutritional data in this recipe is provided by a third party and these values are automatically calculated and offered for guidance only. Their accuracy is not guaranteed.

Simple Scottish Bannocks Recipe - Scottish Scran (2024)


What are Scottish bannocks made of? ›

Historically, Scottish bannocks contained oat flour, barley flour, or pea flour, and nowadays they're usually made of a mix of all purpose flour and oat flour (often rolled oats that have been pulsed in a food processor or blender).

Is bannock originally Scottish? ›

Bannock is a type of fry bread, which originates from Scotland but was eventually adopted by the Indigenous peoples of Canada, particularly the Métis of western Canada. Bannock stems from the Gaelic word bannach, which means “morsel,” a short and sweet but accurate description.

What is the difference between a bannock and a scone? ›

According to Cameron, a bannock was the whole circular quick bread or cake, while a scone was the individual piece cut, like a pie slice, from a bannock. It dawned on me that this old distinction is reflected in the way my Scottish mother-in-law made her cheese scones. From my mother-in-law's recipe collection.

What is bannock in Scottish gaelic? ›

Bannock, from the Gaelic bannach, was once a generic term for bread in the north and west of these islands, where wheat and ovens were in short supply.

What is a interesting fact about bannock bread? ›

Selkirk bannock is made from wheat flour and contains fruit. The word bannock derives from the Latin panicum, denoting an edible milletlike grain. Special bannocks were once made for holidays and religious feasts, such as Beltane bannocks on the first of May and Lammas bannocks on the first day of autumn.

What's the difference between bannock and bread? ›

Bannock is an old English word of Celtic origin and may have been the first word used to describe bread. Many native cultures of North America have also incorporated bannock, or frybread as it is also called, into their cuisine. Bannock is a yeast-less bread that we cook every night in our convection ovens.

What is the difference between Scottish bannock and indigenous bannock? ›

Scottish bannock was usually made of barley, peameal, or oatmeal. Wheat flour was later introduced. Indigenous people eventually adopted bannock, often using corn flour or plants rather than the wheat flour of Europeans. Bannock became a staple for voyageurs, fur traders, prospectors, and later, Indigenous peoples.

What are the three ways that bannock can be prepared? ›

There are many versions of bannock and different nations make more than one version. Bannock can be baked in a pan or on a stone (camping), shallow pan-fried, or deep-fried.

Does the bannock tribe still exist? ›

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is a federally recognized sovereign nation located in southeast Idaho. Tribal sovereignty is the power to govern themselves, determine their own membership, and the power over a distinct geographic land base.

Why is my bannock so dense? ›

Don't over mix the dough or you'll end up with dense tough bannock, less handling you get lighter fluffier bannock. Place on a floured surface and flatten out with your hands, (don't use a rolling pin) cut circles out with cookie cutter or glass.

Do Scots eat scones? ›

Potato scones are most commonly served fried in a full Scottish breakfast or an Ulster fry. The griddle scone (or "girdle scone" in Scots) is a variety of scone that is cooked on a griddle on the stove top rather than baked in the oven.

What is a bannock in English? ›

[ ban-uhk ] show ipa. nounScottish and British Cooking. a flat cake made of oatmeal, barley meal, etc., usually baked on a griddle.

What does Brie mean in Scottish? ›

or brie (briː ) noun. Scottish. broth, stock, or juice.

What does Brie mean in Scots? ›

Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions. †BREE, n. 5. Disturbance, commotion, confusion.

What does Dubh mean in Scotland? ›

In older histories his name may be found anglicised as Duff; the modern Gaelic version is Dubh, which has the sense of dark or black. It may be that Dub was an epithet, as the Duan Albanach refers to him as Dubhoda dén, Dubod the vehement or impetuous.

What does bannock taste like? ›

Classic bannock has a smoky, almost nutty flavour blended with a buttery taste, while dessert bannock can have flavours resembling a donut or shortbread.

What is the difference between bannocks and biscuits? ›

Bannock leavened with a chemical leavener, such as baking soda or baking powder, can be similar to baking powder biscuits or scones, except the dough is pan cooked rather than baked in an oven.

Is bannock the same as fry bread? ›

In some places the two are interchangeable terms for the same fried bread, but bannock was originally a staple of European fur traders and was usually baked like a scone though it can be fried.

What kind of bread do the Scottish eat? ›

Bap is a soft bread roll that's enjoyed throughout the United Kingdom, but its origins are Scottish. This bread roll is often made with a combination of flour, milk, sugar, salt, yeast, and vegetable oil or butter (or lard). In Scotland, a bap is a favorite morning bread roll.

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