How Long Does It Take to Learn Python & Why?  - Coding Dojo (2024)

For significant tech projects everywhere, Python programming language is the workhorse. As one of the most popular coding languages, Python has many real-world applications and job opportunities from machine learning, software, web development, and data analysis; the future is Python. This blog looks at how to learn Python quickly and how Coding Dojo is the answer.

What Is Python?

Python programming was nothing more than a hobby project at the start, with a name tributed to the famous English comedy group Monty Python. As time passed, when programmers found out how quickly they could learn Python, its popularity exploded. With vast versatility, Python is most developers’ go-to programming language – a true fan favorite.

With real-world applications stretching from web and software development to machine learning and data analysis, Python is a staple programming language in the tech world. It’s overflowing with cutting-edge features, such as high-level data structures, dynamic typing, and data binding, which helps to make scripting or “glue code” used to connect various components an absolute breeze.

Why Learn Python?

As one of the most in-demand programming languages, Python has a growing community of “Pythoneers” that shows no sign of slowing down. Besides its incredible popularity, Python is a great coding language for beginners with a syntax much like English. It has real-world applications ranging from game design to machine learning. Below is a list of reasons why learning Python is so worthwhile:

  • Python Is Easy to Learn

It’s common to see learning to code as a daunting, even terrifying, journey. For those new to coding, learning Python is a no-brainer when beginning. When learning Python, with a syntax similar to English, most beginners find it super readable and easy to write.

  • Python Is Versatile, With Multiple Uses

With great versatility comes great power. Python allows developers to confidently complete tasks ranging from the smallest to the most complex. By having various applications ranging from data science, software engineering, machine learning, game design, and software development, picking Python means a future full of opportunities.

  • Python Developers Are in High-Demand

The demand for Python developers shows little sign of slowing down. Some of the biggest tech companies, such as DropBox, Netflix, and even Facebook, are always looking to hire expert Python developers.

  • Python Developers Make Great Money

The average salary of a Python developer is $108,391, making it the fourth highest paid programming language behind Ruby on Rails at $120,174, C++ at $114,000, and JavaScript at $111,623. For Python developers looking to enter machine learning, salaries average at $129,417, followed by data scientists at $116,041. Even at the bottom end for data analysts, the money is stellar at $68,583 per year.

  • Python Is the Fastest-Growing Programming Language

When it comes to Python’s popularity, the numbers don’t lie. According to a study by Stack Overflow, Python is the fastest growing programming language, outranking everything else in the coding world. For anyone considering learning Python, it’s never been a better time to take the plunge.

  • Python Has a Large, Supportive Community

The “Pythoneers” are a dedicated bunch, always looking to help new programmers with some tips and tricks. Learning anything new is difficult, but the right support network can make all the difference. A great starting point is GitHub’s 1.5 million repository library, the web’s second largest Python community.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Python?

There are quite a few factors that come into play when you learn a new skill. It’s tough to say exactly how long it will take you to learn Python – it could be anywhere from 14 to 32 weeks with Coding Dojo’s Python bootcamps – but here are a few factors that you can use to estimate your own pace.

Factors That Influence How Quickly You Learn Python:

  • Your Programming Knowledge and Experience

The first factor that really can make a difference is the level of knowledge and experience relating to coding. This factor will affect how long it takes to learn Python. Your speed also depends on how well you know English, if you have tried programming before, and how quickly you can wrap your head around mathematical logic and language learning.

  • Your Method of Learning Python

Learning Python or any other programming language requires more dedication than a hobby project. It’s important to consider what level of achievement you want to reach and create a learning pattern to help you quickly master this new language.

  • The Time Devoted to Learning Python

Investing time, money, and energy into learning Python is no small matter. It’s vital to consider if you can take on another responsibility besides already working or having a busy family life. Maybe your availability won’t allow it. It’s a good idea to be honest with yourself before committing.

  • Your Motivation and Engagement

Last but not least, motivation is a crucial factor for success. It’s important to tackle the difficult questions head-on. Your motivation level, the level of urgency, and the real reason why you want to learn – all these factors can make a world of difference.

What Can You Do with Python?

When it comes to making stellar websites, cutting-edge software, or when it comes to task automation, Python is usually responsible for making all this happen behind the scenes. Below are some real-world applications of Python:

  • Machine Learning

Machine learning has a reputation for being quite an intimidating field, and for a good reason. This space, besides being super technical, is changing almost daily. When it comes to data science, an integral part of machine learning, most Python developers have no problems getting their foot in the door with their knowledge and skills.

  • Web Development

Python is typically used on the back-end of websites or apps on parts most users will never see, making everything run smoothly. In most cases, Python’s role is to focus on sending data to and from various servers, communicating between databases, and even URL routing.

  • Software Development

Python is a common support language in software development, and its programmers are usually responsible for ensuring everything works seamlessly together. Whether developers need to aid in tasks like build control, bug tracking, or testing, Python is always there to help.

  • Game Development

When it comes to program development, video games play a fundamental role. Programmers must be highly fluent in Python and other languages to create a video game. A great developer looking to make the next hit game must work with variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, object-oriented programming, and more.

  • Task Automation or Scripting

The process of writing the code for automating tasks is known as scripting. The benefits of automating tasks with the help of Python are that the code can quickly scan and check for errors on various files, complete simple math equations, and remove duplicate pieces of data.

  • Data Analysis and Visualization

Finally, there’s data analysis and visualization, which looks after collecting, inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data into useful information for decision-making. With the help of Python, programmers can make accurate predictions and draw conclusions that would have been impossible without it.

9 Tips for Learning Python

1. Choose a Specific Field of Interest

With Python being highly versatile, it’s necessary to zero in on a specific field of interest and nail that down soon. Possible focus areas include machine learning, web development, artificial intelligence, app development, robotics, and python scripts.

2. Learn the Python Fundamentals

As one of the most widely used programming languages, Python’s popularity shows no signs of slowing down. It’s vital to become proficient in everything relating to Python, including becoming an expert in every piece of code used in Python.

Below is a list of the fundamentals of Python:

  • Variables

In Python, there’s no command for declaring a variable. Instead, a variable is responsible for creating the second it has a value assigned to it.

  • Conditions

When it comes to coding, it’s essential to know how to use the expression for True or False. The expression works to analyze the two values through comparison, and then Python returns the answer based on the conditions.

  • Loops

A loop in Python is a specific control flow statement applied for repetitive statements. This fundamental of Python works beautifully if the conditions are satisfied, asking questions involving either True or False.

  • Functions

The responsibility of a function in Python is a block of code that runs when requested. Programmers can pass data, known as parameters, into a function that can also return data.

  • Operators

In Python, operators work to perform specific jobs or “operations” on particular variables and values. For example, if you use the “+” between two values, Python will add it up and find the sum.

  • Data Types

In coding, the data type is a critical concept. As it turns out, variables can hold data of various kinds, and these different types of data can do different jobs.

  • Objects and Classes

An essential foundation of Python is that it’s an object-oriented programming language. This means that Python is an object with unique properties and methods.

  • Object and Data Structures

Every data structure in Python has “containers,” which work to organize and group data based on their type.

  • Lists, Dictionaries, and Sets

Lists, dictionaries, and sets, known as Tuples, help to keep multiple objects in a single variable. Tuples use the round brackets “( )” and help each collection stay unchanged and in order.

  • Reading and Writing to Files

In Python, the write() method writes any string to an open file. The critical point is that Python strings can contain binary data and text.

3. Practice Coding in Python Every Day

When learning to code, consistency is key. A new type of muscle memory will rapidly form and strengthen by taking some time each day and becoming more familiar with Python over time. While we can’t say exactly how long it takes to learn Python, we can say with confidence that it will take even longer without a regular practice schedule.

4. Work on Python Coding Projects

For most learning Python, doing is the best way to build confidence. Nothing can compare to hands-on experience which helps reinforce everything you learned. Projects are the best teachers, whether you build a simple game, website, or app.

5. Read Python Coding Books

A good book on Python programming can be a great starting point. Learning how Python programming works will seem a lot less daunting with diagrams and clear explanations. A few recommendations:

  • Introducing Python, 2nd Edition,
  • Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
  • Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3.

6. Watch Python Coding Tutorials

Python coding tutorials are a great supplement to working on projects, reading coding books, and daily coding practice. On their own, Python coding tutorials aren’t enough to conquer this new programming language, but diversifying your resources will help you succeed.

7. Enroll in a Coding Bootcamp

Bootcamps are one of the best ways to learn to code, especially when it comes to Python. By diving into fundamentals such as exploring data and object types, Python coding bootcamps give graduates the hands-on experience to develop tools to break into the competitive tech world.

8. Join a Python Community

The Python community is a tight-knit group of programmers interested in Python and always willing to lend a helping hand to beginners. By diving into a coding community, learning Python can be much smoother with the help of more veteran Python enthusiasts.

9. Contribute Your Code to Open Source

Finally, don’t forget to contribute code to open-source repositories regularly. Even taking 15 or 30 minutes a day over a year can do wonders. The most significant advantage to contributing to open-source code is that it’s a great way to learn and practice; here, consistency is a crucial ingredient.

Learn to Program with Python at Coding Dojo

Coding Bootcamps are an excellent investment, especially considering how long it takes to learn Python or any coding language. All bootcamps let students learn Python best practices such as OOP in Python, SQL Queries, and web security.

You could master this coding language in no time with our Python coding bootcamps.

How to Learn Python FAQ

Frequently asked questions about learning Python.

Is Python Hard to Learn?

As one of the easiest programming languages, Python is super beginner friendly and a great coding language to jumpstart a new career path. With a syntax similar to English, Python is easy to read and understand, making it perfect for anyone new to writing code.

Is Learning Python Worth It?

Yes, Python is worth the investment of your time and money. As one of the most popular coding languages, Python enjoys tremendous versatility, giving Python developers the freedom to enter a wide range of applications from software development, machine learning, data science, and web development.

Should I Learn Python 2 or Python 3?

From January 2020, Python 2 is entering its phase-out stage known as “End of Life” status. Without any further updates, security improvements, or anyone to fix bugs, it’s a wise idea to tackle the most up-to-date version.

Can I Learn Python Without Any Programming Experience?

The short answer: yes. Most people can learn Python without any coding experience. Python is famous for its ease of use, intuitive structure, and readability. When it comes to programming languages, Python is probably the most beginner friendly.

Where to Learn Python?

A common question many people have about learning to code is where’s the best place to make it happen. The truth is that Python coding bootcamps are some of the best options for a lucrative career in tech as a master Python developer. With Coding Dojo’s hands-on experience, flexible time options, and fantastic support network, a new job as a developer is possible.

What Jobs Can I Get with Python?

Expert Python codes can set themselves up for a lifetime of opportunity by mastering this programming language. With many options, jobs that use Python range from Python developer (a bit obvious, yes), machine learning engineer, product manager, and data analyst or scientist.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Python & Why?  - Coding Dojo (2024)


How Long Does It Take to Learn Python & Why?  - Coding Dojo? ›

Depending on which path you choose, how long it takes to learn Python will vary. For example, if you enroll in one of Coding Dojo's coding bootcamps, you might be looking at anywhere from 14-32 weeks to learn Python. You can also learn Python on your own, at your own pace.

How long does it take to learn Python coding? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes.

How fast can I learn Python and get a job? ›

How long does it take to learn Python? If you're looking for a general answer, here it is: Learning the Python basics may only take a few weeks. However, if you're pursuing a career as a programmer or data scientist, you can expect it to take four to twelve months to learn enough advanced Python to be job-ready.

How long is coding dojo? ›

Coding Dojo's Software Development (Part-Time Accelerated) bootcamp is entirely online and takes 16-32 weeks to complete, depending on how many stacks the student chooses to learn.

How much is coding dojo tuition? ›

Depending on what you would like to learn and your financing, our bootcamps cost anywhere from $9,995 to $16,995.

How difficult is Python for beginners? ›

Python can be considered beginner-friendly, as it is a programming language that prioritizes readability, making it easier to understand and use. Its syntax has similarities with the English language, making it easy for novice programmers to leap into the world of development.

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Python alone isn't going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it. Not that you shouldn't learn it: it's a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It's also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers.

What is the 20 minute rule on Coding Dojo? ›

Word of Warning: At Coding Dojo we suggest using the 20-minute rule. Take at least 20 minutes to figure something out on your own before asking for help. There's a good chance that the answer is already in front of you, and besides, struggling makes you a better programmer overall.

What is the success rate of Coding Dojo? ›

Does Coding Dojo Offer a Job Guarantee? No, there is no Coding Dojo job guarantee. However, it boasts an employment rate of 89.1 percent within six months of completing a course and 95.3 percent within one year.

Does Coding Dojo pay you? ›

The average Coding Dojo salary ranges from approximately $50,000 per year for Program Manager to $97,779 per year for Software Development Specialist. Average Coding Dojo hourly pay ranges from approximately $17.32 per hour for Senior Copywriter to $54.77 per hour for Full Stack Developer.

Is Coding Dojo for beginners? ›

We've found the most reliable predictors of success in coding bootcamps are traits like dedication, resilience, and curiosity. That's why our application process looks for these characteristics in new students, and we don't require anyone to come into bootcamp with 100+ hours of coding experience under their belts.

Does Coding Dojo guarantee a job? ›

Does Coding Dojo have a job guarantee? No, and we strongly believe that “job guarantees” are too good to be true and often come with a mountain of fine print and requirements working against the student.

Is Coding Dojo recognized? ›

Coding Dojo is part of Colorado Technical University, which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Is Python easier than Java? ›

Learning Curve: Python is generally considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simplicity, while Java is more complex but provides a deeper understanding of how programming works. Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Can you learn Python in 7 days? ›

By completing this course in just seven days, you will gain a thorough understanding of Python programming. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started in programming, or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, our "Python Programming in 7 Days" course is a perfect choice.

How many hours a day should I learn to code? ›

As a realistic starting point, we typically recommend spending anywhere between five and 15 hours per week on coding if you're looking to make a career-change, fast — but remember, everyone is different. Curious how people like you make it work and find time to learn how to code?

How much does a Python programmer make? ›

Python Programmer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$169,500$14,125
75th Percentile$150,000$12,500
25th Percentile$130,000$10,833

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.