11 Good Study Habits to Develop (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Good study habits include finding a quiet location to study, taking breaks, settings goals, and taking practice tests. Here's the full list, and the psychological reasons why they work.

11 Good Study Habits to Develop (1)

Studying can be hard. The good news is that anybody can develop good study habits to make studying more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.

Want to develop good study habits? Start small—don’t expect to do everything in this list, at least not right away; pick one or two instead. It’s also important to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself.

Good study habits to develop

Here are 11 tips to improve your study habits:

  1. Find a good place to study.

  2. Minimize distractions.

  3. Take breaks.

  4. Space out your studying.

  5. Set study goals for each session.

  6. Reward yourself.

  7. Study with a group.

  8. Take practice tests.

  9. Use your own words.

  10. Ask for help.

  11. Take care of yourself.

Let's take a closer look at how you can implement each of these habits.

1. Find a good place to study.

Finding a good location to study is one of the most important elements of studying well. Look for a quiet place with minimal distractions—someplace where you’ll be able to focus, and won’t be interrupted by loud sounds or people who constantly want your attention.

A school or public library, a coffee shop, or a quiet corner of your house can all be good places to start.

Should I stick to one place to study?

Not necessarily. Some studies show that occasionally changing where you study can help retain information. This is because studying the same material in different locations helps your brain create multiple associations with that material, making it easier for you to remember it [1]. It can be beneficial to find three or four places you like to study and switch locations when you’re feeling stuck or need a change of pace. That said, everybody is different. Find what works best for you.

11 Good Study Habits to Develop (2)

2. Minimize distractions.

Picking a good location to study can be the first step in keeping yourself focused on your work. But there are many types of distractions that can reach you no matter where you choose to work. Here are some tips on minimizing these distractions:

  • Turn off your wifi: If you’re working on a computer and you don’t need your wifi, try turning it off. This can keep you from inadvertently wandering into the distracting parts of the internet.

  • Be mindful of your phone: It’s no secret that our smartphones can be hugely distracting. Turning off your notifications, keeping your phone out of sight in your bag, or giving it to a friend to keep you from checking it too often can help you stay focused. You might also try a focus app, like Forest or Focus To-Do, that can block distracting apps and set timers for study sessions.

  • Study with a friend: Sometimes studying with a friend or two, whether or not you’re working on the same material, can help keep you accountable and focused. Make sure you each are on the same page about studying and keeping one another distraction-free, at least until it’s time to take a break.

Should I listen to music while I study?

Listening to music while you study has some benefits; it can boost your mood and calm anxiety or stress. But studies show that reading comprehension tends to fall when the music is too loud, fast-paced, or contains lyrics [2]. Stick with calming, wordless songs while studying, and save the upbeat numbers for breaks.

11 Good Study Habits to Develop (3)

3. Take breaks.

Taking intentional breaks has been linked to better retention, increased attention, and boosts in energy. Research shows that working for around 50 minutes, then giving yourself a 15- to 20-minute break, can lead to optimum productivity [3]. Here are a few ways you can give yourself a break:

  • Take a short walk

  • Listen to a mood-boosting song

  • Relax with a friend

  • Stretch

  • Meditate

  • Zone out and daydream

  • Have a snack

  • Take a shower

  • Clean your desk or room

Not all breaks are created equal. Checking your phone or social media as a study break has actually been linked to a decrease in performance [4].

11 Good Study Habits to Develop (4)
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4. Space out your studying.

Cramming can still help you get a good grade on a test, but studies show that you’re much more likely to forget that information as soon as the test is over. Really holding onto the material you learned (and making exam seasons less stressful) requires consistent and well-spaced study sessions.

Instead of saving your studying for before a test, briefly review material you learned once a week. If you are studying for an exam, space out your studying up to several weeks (or even months, depending on the test) leading up to the exam day. This can help you retain the information long term.

5. Set study goals for each session.

Set study goals for each session of studying you have. These can be time-based or content-based. For example, you might aim to study for two hours, or review three chapters of your textbook—or both.

Don’t be too harsh on yourself if you didn’t get through as much as you had planned; sometimes studying can take longer than expected. Keep taking well-spaced breaks, and schedule another study session.

6. Reward yourself.

Rewarding yourself with treats—“bribing” yourself—has been linked to better self-control, and can be helpful in forming good habits [5]. Telling yourself you’ll get a small reward if you finish the section you wanted to get through, or perhaps a larger reward if you have a productive day of studying, can be good motivation to get to your goal.

Small rewards can be a candy bar, a hot drink from your favorite coffee shop, a quick game of your choice, or a short episode of a TV show. Bigger rewards for a long day of studying or getting done with an exam can include getting your favorite meal, spending some time relaxing with friends, or making time for your favorite activity.

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7. Study with a group.

There are several benefits to forming a study group. Group members can help one another work through difficult problems, provide encouragement, hold each other accountable to studying goals, provide different perspectives, and make studying more enjoyable. Even explaining difficult concepts to others can help with comprehension and retention.

If you have a group study session, set a goal the group will work towards and take periodic breaks as you would studying by yourself.

8. Take practice tests.

Tests and practice tests have been long seen as useful tools to help students learn and retain information. Besides revealing gaps in knowledge and reducing exam anxiety, being tested makes us retrieve information from memory—a powerful, study-backed way of holding onto information we’ve learned [6].

Don’t have a practice exam? There are several ways you can “test” yourself and gain the same benefits. Try the following methods:

  • Create flashcards

  • Write your own questions

  • Search for practice questions online

  • Have a friend quiz you

9. Use your own words.

Expressing an idea in your own words increases your understanding of a subject and helps your brain hang on to information. After you read a section of text, summarize important points by paraphrasing.

10. Ask for help.

You might find yourself stuck on a problem or unable to understand the explanation in a textbook. Somebody who is able to walk through the issue with you might provide the fresh explanation you need. Approach your teacher or professor, teaching assistant, friend, or study group member for new ways to understand what you’re stuck on. Feel like you can benefit from being coached through a subject? Consider looking for a tutor.

And don’t forget the myriad online tools that might be at your disposal, like the Khan Academy. A quick search through Google or YouTube can also surface helpful articles or videos on subjects you’re trying to grasp.

11. Take care of yourself.

At the end of the day, your brain is an organ in your body—take care of it by taking care of yourself. Get regular exercise, eat well, don’t overdrink, get good sleep, and take care of your mental wellbeing.

  • Sleep: Studies have linked sleep deprivation to decreased cognitive function, including reduced attention spans and doing worse on tests [7]. Everybody’s sleep needs are different, but people typically need between seven and eight-and-a-half hours of sleep a night. Plus, getting more sleep can make you happier and benefit your social life.

  • Food: Try to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, plant sources of proteins, nuts, and unsaturated oils like olive oil into your diet, all of which have been linked to better cognitive performance [8].

  • Exercise: Exercise brings oxygen to the part of your brain responsible for thought, encourages the development of new nerve cells, and boosts brain cell connections [8]. This makes for brains that are more neuroplastic and efficient—plus it brings a host of other health benefits, like lower blood pressure, reduced mental stress, and weight control.

  • Mental wellness: Mental health is important because it helps us deal with stress, improves our relationships with others, allows us to live more meaningfully, and be more productive in our work. Exercising, eating well, and getting good sleep can each boost our mental health. But there are other ways of fortifying mental strength, such as connecting with others, practicing gratitude, meditating, and developing a sense of meaning in life [9].

Getting started

Forming good habits can be difficult, but starting with small, achievable steps can set you up to have consistent study habits for the rest of your life. Explore more personal development courses from leading universities and institutions on Coursera. Sign up for a free 7-day trial and start learning today.

Looking to get a degree? Knowing what’s out there is a good first step. Take a look at bachelor’s and master’s degrees on Coursera.

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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

11 Good Study Habits to Develop (2024)


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5 tips to improve your study time efficiency
  • Prioritize your tasks. Staying organized and spacing out your studying is not just a helpful aspect but a crucial element when it comes to effective time management. ...
  • Take breaks. ...
  • Stay positive. ...
  • Ask questions. ...
  • Change your scenery.
Jun 12, 2023

What are the 7 study skills? ›

Active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for students.

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Supporting good study habits
  • Keep assignments organized. A monthly or daily calendar, whether digital or paper, is a good way to keep track of assignments. ...
  • Don't procrastinate. ...
  • Designate a study area. ...
  • Prioritize study time. ...
  • Class schedule balance. ...
  • Eat well, sleep and exercise. ...
  • Keep the goal in mind.

What are the 5 study skills? ›

Even once you graduate from college, you can apply these skills to your work life to help achieve a work-life balance.
  • Ask Why. Asking why is a study skill that is more formally known as elaborative interrogation. ...
  • Optimize Note-Taking. ...
  • Take Breaks. ...
  • Practice Testing. ...
  • Self-Explanation.
Sep 20, 2022

How can I focus 100% on studying? ›

Here, we present 12 expert tips to enhance your focus and maintain motivation during your learning journey.
  1. Establish an Optimal Study Space. ...
  2. Define Clear Goals. ...
  3. Craft a Study Schedule. ...
  4. Develop a Study Ritual. ...
  5. Share Your Schedule. ...
  6. Minimize Distractions. ...
  7. Try the Pomodoro Technique. ...
  8. Track Completed Tasks.

What are the top 3 study habits? ›

Good study habits include finding a quiet location to study, taking breaks, settings goals, and taking practice tests.

What are the top 10 skills for students? ›

What are the top 10 skills for students? The essential skills for students include communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, time management, organisation, digital literacy, collaboration, resilience, and adaptability.

What is the 20 20 method of studying? ›

For some, it could be as simple as this: For every 20 minutes of formal learning, build in 20 minutes of follow-up and 20 minutes of reflection and analysis. Others might take a different tack: Every 20 minutes of reading is best supported by 20 minutes of discussion and 20 seconds of tweeting.

What are the 6 study strategies? ›

These six strategies include spaced practice, interleaving, elaboration, concrete examples, dual coding, and retrieval practice.

What is a good study habit? ›

Listening and note-taking are important study habits for school and careers. Students identify the most relevant information they need to retain and write it down in order to review it later.

Is studying good for the brain? ›

Be honest: when you're reviewing facts and figures, anxious about an upcoming test or exam, you'd rather be anywhere else. But as it turns out, studying isn't only for studying's sake; all of that work you're doing to improve your knowledge may actually help improve your overall brain health.

How can I fresh my mind for studying? ›

Ideas for purposeful, energizing study breaks:
  1. Reconnect with nature (visit Cornell's NatureRX website for ideas)
  2. Meditate (listen to an online guided meditation, or attend a 20-minute Let's Meditate session by Zoom)
  3. Take a walk.
  4. Take a 15- to 20-minute power nap.
  5. Take a shower.

What are 3 effective study skills? ›

3 Successful Study Techniques
  • Taking notes by hand. Since we live in such a technological age, some people might be surprised to know that it helps me to handwrite my notes. ...
  • Having a quiet place to study. ...
  • Read, write, recite.

What are the 3 types of study skills? ›

The top three types of study skills in my opinion are understanding, decoding and memorizing. Understanding refers to contextual clarity of the topic, decoding refers to finding out the main objective of the course and memorizing memorizing refers to retaining what you have learnt.

What is the secret to study? ›

Consistency is key, so aim to study at the same time each day or week. Take regular breaks and practice self-care: While it may seem counterintuitive, taking regular breaks during study sessions can actually improve productivity and prevent burnout.

What is the best study habit? ›

Listening and note-taking are important study habits for school and careers. Students identify the most relevant information they need to retain and write it down in order to review it later.

What is Habit 1 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students? ›

Habit 1: Be Proactive- Take the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen. Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind- Start with a clear destination so as to understand where you are now, where you're going and what you value most. Habit 3: Put First Things First- Manage yourself.

What is the best time to study and memorize? ›

Scientists have found the best time for study! According to scientists, the brain is most alert and teachable at 10 am–2 pm and 4 pm–10 pm. (Source: Amber Student). If you would like to optimise your attention span and practise deep learning, then science advises you to study between the hours of 4 am and 7 am.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.